Design Team Q&A ResponsesThank you to everyone who attended our first Highline Q&A, which you can watch here. We were blown away by the response; it’s one thing…Mar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021
INTERNATIONAL DESIGN TEAM TO DELIVER UK’S OWN HIGHLINEThe design of Camden Highline, the UK’s latest green infrastructure project, has been awarded to a team led by James Corner Field…Feb 15, 2021Feb 15, 2021
FIVE FINALISTS REVEALED FOR CAMDEN’S NEW PARK IN THE SKYThe Camden Highline charity has shortlisted five design teams from talent across the globe, all in with a chance to deliver the…Nov 3, 2020Nov 3, 2020
In Conversation with Colander AssociatesWe spoke to Caroline Cole, founder of Colander Associates — the team who are working hard to manage the Camden Highline design competition.Oct 12, 2020Oct 12, 2020
CAMDEN HIGHLINE MOVES TO NEXT STAGE WITH SEARCH FOR AMBITIOUS DESIGN TEAM TO DELIVER LONDON’S PARK…The Camden Highline, a charity with an aspiring vision for the conversion of disused railway into a creative green space, today launches…Sep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020
In conversation with Studio MUTTWe spoke to the team behind our improvements to Camden Gardens parkFeb 20, 2020Feb 20, 2020
Camden Gardens ExhibitionWe held an exhibition in Camden Gardens park to outline the principles that have informed the design and provide information about the…Aug 23, 2019Aug 23, 2019
Camden Gardens ExhibitionWe’re holding a public exhibition on Thursday 15th August, 6–8pm and Saturday 17th August, 10am–12pmJul 29, 2019Jul 29, 2019
Reimagining the Camden HighlineThis exhibition was the culmination of our first ever Camden Highline STEAM projectJul 10, 2019Jul 10, 2019
Camden Gardens Pocket ParkWe’ve spent the last few weeks appointing the team to help us transform this underused and underappreciated spaceMay 17, 2019May 17, 2019
Camden Gardens Pocket ParkWe’ve been awarded £25k funding from MHCLG to make improvements to Camden Gardens parkApr 24, 2019Apr 24, 2019